Saw U2 in concert earlier this year in Vegas and it was a great show - the boys from Dublin can still rock. The above picture is of Bono wearing a red laser jacket while performing the song Ultra Violet (Light My Way). The first thing that came to my mind? Wow, Bono just out and out stole an outfit from none other than the legend himself, Amitabh Bachchan. And didn't even bother to give the man props. The movie? 'Yaarana'. The song? Saara Zamaana. Now granted, the Big B's jacket didn't have red laser lights, it had white Christmasy type ones as you can clearly see in the picture below. But when I got the text messages from friends of mine who saw the show in Houston a few days before I did about the thievery, I knew exactly what to expect.

Now this song is so chock full of delightfully delicious moments that I felt the need to provide some can't miss moments (these can be found below the video itself).
~ The outfit AB is sporting to start the song is just superb. LOVE those sunglasses & that red handkerchief!
~ The entrance of the radiant Neetu Singh for no particular reason except to provide a dance partner for AB.
~ The dance moves here pretty much set the tone for the wonderful cheese moves to follow throughout the song.
~ Nothing however will prepare for the move at the 1:07 mark. Hip thrusts? Michael Jackson style? From AB himself? Believe it!
~ This is followed by some more awesome AB/Neetu dancing.
~ Random prop time - AB gets an electric guitar. Mysteriously though the music doesn't really change all that much but it looks great nonetheless.
~ At the 2:32 mark is when the real magic begins. First the background dancers come in with candles. This is followed by the show-stopping entrance of the fabled WHITE LIGHT ELECTRIC JACKET. Be dazzled folks, be dazzled...
~ Now come a whole new set of dance moves starting with a butt shake that is just as rocking as the hip thrust earlier. At one point the dancers all surround AB in a dance circle and the girls literally fall at his feet in awe. Never underestimate the power of AB, never.
~ The big mystery in this video for me dating back to when I originally saw the movie in 1981 was where the hell did the audience go? Did the budget for the light jacket sequence prevent any extras being hired? If so why not just use stock footage from the first half of the song? Why substitute lights for audience members? Was it an artistic thing? So many questions, so few answers and so many tiny lights/audience members...
~ Missed the hip thrust first time around? Fret not because it makes a reappearance at the 3:35 mark!
Both the movie and soundtrack remain favorites of mine to this day and today's post is a prelude to a full review sometime next week. Cheers!